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- How can I apply for a business license? Please print off a Business License Application Form and bring the completed form to the Commissioner’s Office at 333 W. Locust Street. - Business License Application form. Email: ckimberlin@covington.va.us, Phone (540) 965-6352
- What is the cost of a business license? The business license is due by March 1st of the current year, but payment is based on the previous year’s gross receipts. Email: ckimberlin@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6352
- What do I do if I have a complaint? Contact the Building Official’s Office, Email: wirby@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6356
- What codes does the City enforce? Uniform Statewide Building Code, See City Code, Section 6-1, Email: wirby@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6356
- Does the City accept anonymous complaints? Yes. However, no information is ever given out should you choose to give us your information while filing a complaint. If we have your information, it is much easier to keep you updated on the progress of the complaint.
- Does the City operate a Fire Department? Yes, at this time the Fire Department is operated solely by volunteers. Should you have any questions regarding their operations they may be reached by phone at 540-965-6392, Email: covingtonfd@ntelos.net or visit the Covington Fire Department website at www.fire.covington.va.us
- What positions are currently available? We advertise in the local and regional newspapers.
- What type of benefits does the City offer? The City of Covington offers an excellent health and dental package for all full-time employees, VRS retirement and life insurance benefits, annual leave, sick leave, and 13 paid holidays per year.
- Where do I send my application and/or resume for a job posting? Return your application, resume if applicable, and other required information to the information listed for the vacancy as advertised.
- Where can I sign up for utilities? Contact the Central Accounting Office for water & sewer service if you bought a home. If you are a new renter in the area, you must personally come to the Central Accounting Office at 333 W. Locust Street, Covington, VA to complete the necessary paperwork and pay the required deposit for water & sewer service. Phone: (540) 965-6314, Email: sbrown@covington.va.us
- Where can I go for recycling? The City of Covington contracts with Jackson River Enterprises for recycling services in the City. The recycling station is located on W. Edgemont Drive, between the Fire Substation and former AET, Inc.
- Where are the parks? The city takes great pride in our parks, please visit the Parks & Recreation page on our website, link to P&R page. Email: jtucker@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6360
- Where can I find emergency disaster information? Contact the Red Cross for emergency disaster information at (540) 962-6456.
- How do I find out my refuse collection day? The Public Works personnel collect refuse Monday through Friday. Email: dfeury@covington.va.us Phone 965-6321
- Resources for other services, e.g., cable, phone? Private companies offer any service other than water and sewer services. Please visit theCommunity Utilities link on our website.
- Where can I find local school information? If you are a resident of Covington and you are interested in public schools for your child(ren), please contact the Covington City School Board Office at (540) 965-1400, Email: dlambert@k12.covington.va.us; or visit the Covington City School website at www.k12.covington.va.us
- Does the City of Covington have facilities available to rent for special occasions? Yes, for scheduling of facilities, Email: jtucker@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6360.
- Where are the parks located in Covington? The city takes great pride in our parks, please visit the Parks & Rec page on our website. Phone (540) 965-6360 or email jtucker@covington.va.us
- Does the City of Covington have a public pool? The City of Covington has a new municipal pool that opened summer, 2007 located at Main Street Park. Please visit the Parks & Rec page on our website.
- Does the City offer swimming lessons? Yes each summer. Email: jtucker@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6360
- Who organizes recreational activities for the City of Covington citizens? The Parks & Recreation Director and his staff plan the recreational activities for citizens. Email: jtucker@covington.va.us Phone (540) 965-6360
- I am a new resident of Covington, what are my responsibilities concerning my driver’s license and my vehicle?
Drivers License:
Virginia law allows a 60 day grace period for new residents before you must obtain a Virginia drivers license.Vehicle Registration:
Virginia law allows a 30 day grace period for new residents before you must obtain Virginia registration.Vehicle Inspection:
Virginia law requires that any vehicle registered in Virginia must be inspected.Vehicle Insurance:
Proof of insurance or financial responsibility is required for each vehicle registered in Virginia.Covington Vehicle Decals:
Vehicles registered or garaged in Covington will be assessed by the Commissioner of Revenue. The City no longer issues vehicle decals however the license fee is included in personal property tax bills. - How can I get a copy of an accident report? If you were involved in an accident in Covington, you can obtain a copy of the accident report by contacting the Covington Police Department during normal business hours. There is a $10.00 fee for each accident report requested. It is recommended that you call (540) 965-6331 before coming to the Police Department to make sure the report is ready.
- How can I get a copy of a criminal offense report?
If you were the victim of a crime in Covington, you can contact the Police Department business office, during normal business hours, and request an Offense Verification Report. There is no cost for this service. The Covington Police Department does not release copies of our criminal offense reports or complaints without a court order, because they may contain confidential information. - Does the Police Department have a house or business security check service for residents going away or who have passed away?
Yes, you just need to contact the Police Department. The residence/business will be placed on our security checklist and officers will check the house or business while they are on patrol. - How do I apply to become an officer for the City of Covington Police Department?
If you come by the Police Department during normal business hours, we will have you fill out a form indicating that you are interested in obtaining an application for employment. This form will be kept on file for one year. If during that one-year period, the Police Department advertises for new officers, you will be notified that you can come by the Office and pick up an application. We do not mail out applications because of their size. We will also accept a letter expressing an interest in obtaining an application for employment. - What are the requirements to be an officer for the Covington Police Department?
To be considered for employment as a police officer for the City of Covington, applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications:
1. Minimum of 21 years of age.
2. High school graduate or GED equivalent.
3. United States citizen.
4. Must possess or be eligible to obtain a valid Virginia drivers license.
5. Must not have been convicted of, pled guilty to, or no contest to a felony or any offense that would be a felony if committed in the State of Virginia. - What can I expect once I apply to be an officer for the Covington Police Department?
The Police Department has an established application process. Applicants may be required to take a written examination, Applicant Review Board and an interview with the Chief of Police and/or others. The Police Department will conduct a thorough background investigation and a fingerprint based criminal history check will be performed.If given a conditional offer of employment, applicants may be required to take a physical examination with drug testing, psychological fitness testing, firearms testing (with training if required) and complete a sixteen (16) week basic police academy.
- What are the hours of operation at Cedar Hill Cemetery? Operational hours are 7 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Phone (540) 965-6383
- How can I get assistance to locate a grave? Contact the Sexton at Cedar Hill. Phone (540) 965-6383
- Does the City charge more for graves opened/closed on weekends? See City Code Ch. 12 - Cemeteries
- What day is my household refuse collected? Area and street routes determine daily refuse collection. The Public Works personnel collect refuse Monday through Friday. Email: dfeury@covington.va.us; Phone 965-6321
- Will the Refuse Department pick up my yard waste? The Refuse Department will only pick up yard waste that is cut and bundled in proper disposal containers. Any other yard waste will be picked up during fall clean-up week.
- When are the spring and fall clean-up weeks? Spring clean up normally occurs in March or April. Fall clean-up occurs in September or October. Appliances, yard waste and other abnormally shaped waste will be arranged to be collected. Call for details and exact dates. 965-6321
- How do I request a particular street sign? Send a request for a street sign in writing to the City Manager’s Office, City of Covington, 333 W. Locust Street, Covington, VA 24426; Email: Rnuckols@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6300
- Snow removal on City streets? The City of Covington Public Works monitors the weather very closely during the winter months. Work crews prepare machinery for snow removal, use salt and chips and remove snow 24/7 during large snow storms. Please be as patient as possible, as the work crews must clear the emergency routes before moving to side streets.
- Whom should I contact with questions about problems with my sewer service? Contact Public Works office, Email: dfeury@covington.va.us; Phone: (540) 965-6321
- Whom should I contact with questions about leaks/problems with my water service? Contact the Public Works Department, Email: dfeury@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6321
- Whom should I contact with questions about problems with my sewer service? Contact the Public Works Department at (540) 965-6321; Email dfeury@covington.va.us regarding sewer interruptions. If you are having problems with your private sewer line, contact a local plumber.
- Who should I contact with questions about leaks/problems with my water service? Contact the Public Works Department at (540) 965-6321; Email dfeury@covington.va.us regarding water interruptions. If you are having problems with your private water line, contact a local plumber.
- What happens if I have paid my water & sewer bill and I find that my water is cut off? The water may be cut off temporarily for an emergency such as a water main break or in the event of a service tie-in. The public will be notified by way of the news media and on the City’s website. The City of Covington will notify residents of any loss of service that has been planned, but cannot notify the public by telephone or door hanger in an emergency. If you have questions regarding your service, contact the Central Accounting Office at (540) 965-6314.
- I have spotted a City manhole overflowing, what do I do? Although manhole overflows do not occur frequently, there may be a sewer back-up resulting in one to overflow. Please call the Public Works Department at (540) 965-6321 immediately or if after business hours, please contact the Police Department at (540) 965-6333. The Water & Sewer Department must go through a specific procedure in order to return the manhole to service.
- What is smoke testing? Smoke testing is a test of the sanitary sewers for any defects (leaks, disruptions, etc.) within the City’s sewer system. The “smoke” is a visual aid that the crew uses to detect any leaks.
- What if I see “smoke” during the smoke testing of the sanitary sewers? If you see the visual aid (“smoke”) coming up in your yard there may be a defect or leak in your sewer lateral that is allowing storm water to enter (resulting in higher flows at the Wastewater Treatment Plant). If the visual aid enters your home, open some windows and doors so the “smoke” dissipates and note where it is coming from in the home. Then call your local plumber to fix the defects in your pipes.
- What if I get a letter stating that I must properly fit my sewer cap to my sewer stack? After smoke testing the sanitary sewers, the Water & Sewer crew may detect that the sewer stack at your home is defective or your cap is broken or not properly fitted. The sewer stack is simply PVC pipe that has an area to screw a round cap onto the top.
- Where are you located? The City Hall Offices are located at 333 W. Locust Street across from the downtown Municipal Parking Lot. Please visit our Directions page.
- What are the City Office’s hours of operation? The City Hall Offices are open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
- How do I apply for a Business License? Please print off a Business License Application Form and bring the completed form to the Commissioner’s Office at 333 W. Locust Street. – Business License Application form - Email: ckimberlin@covington.va.us, Phone (540) 965-6352)
- How are my taxes determined? The tax rate for real estate is $0.75 per $100.00 of assessed value and personal property is $5.60 per $100.00 of assessed value.
- What type of payments do you accept? The City of Covington accepts payments made by cash, personal checks, cashiers check or money orders.
- When are my taxes due? The City of Covington bills twice per year and the due dates are June 5th and December 5th of the current year.
- When must I have my City vehicle decal displayed on my vehicle? As of January 1, 2011 we will no longer sell decals. An additional fee will be assed on the personal property bill.
- What type of utilities does the City of Covington provide? The City of Covington offers water and sewer utilities; any service other than water and sewer services are offered by private companies. Please visit the Community Utilities link on our website.
- What type of payments do you accept? The City of Covington accepts payments made by cash, personal checks, cashiers check or money orders.
- How often do water and sewer bills go out? The City bills residential water and sewer accounts monthly, quarterly or annually. For monthly, you will be billed by the 5th of each month and payments are due by the 23rd of the following month. Email: sbrown@covington.va.us; Phone (540) 965-6314
- What happens if I am unable to pay my bill by the cut-off date? If you have not made payment before the due date, service will be cut off and an additional fee will be applied to your account.
- How do I establish a new water and sewer service for an existing home? Contact the Central Accounting Office for water & sewer service if you bought a home. If you are a new renter in the area, you must personally come to the Central Accounting Office at 333 W. Locust Street, Covington, VA to complete the necessary paperwork and pay the required deposit for water & sewer service. Phone: (540) 965-6314, Emailsbrown@covington.va.us
- How do I establish water and sewer service (taps) for new construction? The city requires that either the homeowner or the general contractor come to the Central Accounting Office in person to establish service. Water and sewer connection forms must be signed and tap fees must be paid.
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