Public Works
Public Works
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Anthony W. Lowry
Director of Public Works
Anthony W. Lowry is the Director of Public Works. He was born and raised in Alleghany County, graduated from Alleghany High School in 2006 and graduated from Emory and Henry College in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He spent 13 years working at a local funeral home prior to joining the City in July of 2023. He currently resides in the Falling Spring area of Alleghany County with his wife Nikki and their two children Laurel and Quentin.
Water Pipe Material Survey
The City of Covington needs your help to document the material of your water service line from the water meter to just inside your house or business. We are collecting this important information to complete the Town’s EPA-mandated lead service line inventory map. We will send out a mailer to residents in the coming weeks so be on the lookout, fill it out and return.
The Department of Public Works shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of all public buildings, streets, roads, bridges, drains, sewers, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, and all other public works and constructions; the care of picnic buildings, storerooms, and warehouses; the custody of such equipment and supplies as the council may require; and such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the department, which may include among other assignments, building inspections, plumbing inspections, electrical inspections, subdivision control and zoning administration. The director of public works will also serve in the capacity of the director of public utilities and shall be responsible for the operation of the water and sewer utilities of the city, the collection of all charges for the services of such utilities and such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the department by ordinance.
The Covington Public Works Department is comprised of the following different division: Streets, Water/Sewer, City Garage, Landfill, Refuse, Traffic Engineering, Snow and Ice Removal and Administration.
The Street department is responsible for the maintenance of all city streets including all paving operations, alleys, sidewalks and drainage.
The Water/Sewer department is responsible for the maintenance of all water and sewer distribution lines within the city and all new connections to city lines. (540) 965-6321
The City Garage department is responsible for all vehicle maintenance. Vehicles serviced by the garage staff include all public works vehicles and equipment, police vehicles, recreation vehicles, fire and first aid vehicles, school busses, and all landfill equipment. There are two Operations Superintendents Mr. Lonnie Givens is Superintendent/Chief Mechanic and Superintendent Mr. Dink Bogar.
The Peter's Mountain Landfill is owned and operated by the City of Covington. The landfill accepts nearly 11,000 tons of refuse yearly from city residents and businesses. The recently opened Subtitle D double-lined facility at the landfill is expected to last seven to ten years with further expansion already approved. (540) 962-6317
The Refuse department provides collection service for all city residents and commercial establishments. Residential collection is once per week with commercial scheduled based upon need. (540) 965-6321
The Traffic Engineering department is responsible for all traffic signals, signs and street painting within the city. Also responsible for troubleshooting and repairing problems in city-owned facilities. General Maintenance Mechanic is Sam Horton. (540) 965-6321
The Snow and Ice Removal department handles all snow and ice removal within the city on established snow removal routes. The responsibility of snow and ice removal is the primary duty of the Street department with other department assisting as needed. (540) 965-6322
The Administration Office for Covington Public Works operates daily from Monday through Friday. The staff is responsible for handling all phone calls, requests for information regarding the Public Works department, and office work associated with these departments. After-hour calls are dispatched by the Covington Police Department. Administrative staff consists of Administrative Assistants:
Mrs. Denise Feury (540) 965-6321. Denise is a graduate of Greenbrier East High School and a graduate of Dabney S. Lancaster Community College with an Associate's Degree in Computer Science. She has continued her education with various computer and accounting training and has years of experience in office related fields.
Mrs. Caprice D. Reynolds (540) 965-6322. Caprice is a graduate of Covington High School and is a graduate of Ferrum College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education.
Please go to the following link to report a Street Light Outage:
Public Works Staff
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