



Covington City residents will have the opportunity to dispose of unwanted items through the City’s Spring Clean-up to ...


Date: March 30, 2025 – April 11, 2025 The City of Covington Public Works will be flushing Fire ...


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Teresa Harrison

City Treasurer

Theresa Harrison


LCA 9280w J Fridley And Teresa

(left to right) Janie Fridley, Deputy Treasurer; Theresa Harrison, Treasurer

Treasurer Information:

Theresa Harrison, Treasurer

333 W. Locust Street


P.O. Box 878

Covington, VA 24426


Miscellaneous Taxes

Dog Tags: All dogs, four months or older are required to have a City dog tag. These are sold all year in the Treasurer's Office. You Must provide proof of your dog's rabies vaccination.

State and Estimated Income Tax:

May be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue. Payments are made to the Treasurer.

Real Estate and Personal Property Tax:

Are due twice a year. Those dates are June 5 & December 5


Online Payment:

In Office Payments:

  • Payments are accepted by check, money order, cash, or debit/credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover with a 3% convenience fee.

Dropbox Payments:

  • Payments are accepted by check or money order with the account number, PLEASE NO CASH PAYMENTS. Payments will be posted the next business day.

Water Bill Payments:

  • Can be made over the phone, in Dropbox, in person, or by bill pay through your financial institution.
    • Through your financial institution (please allow a sufficient amount of time to ensure your payment is received by the due date.
    • ACH is provided either on the 8th or 18th of the month through a form provided by City Hall and located below. (These must be returned to the Treasurer's Office)

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