City Projects for Bid

City Projects for Bid


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Website Design, Hosting, and Maintenance

The City of Covington, Virginia is requesting responses to a Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified firms (Offerors) to provide website redesign, hosting, and maintenance services for the City’s website

Municipal Sidewalks

The City of Covington  is requesting sealed bids for Municipal Sidewalks, will be received by the City of Covington 340 E. Walnut Street, Covington, VA 24426, until no later than 3:30 p.m., April 5, 2024.

This project includes all of the labor, materials, equipment and performance of all work necessary to complete the construction of or repair and improvements to sidewalks, steps, curbs, gutters, retaining walls, driveway entrances, handicap ramps, ditches, and other masonry activities as noted. This work shall be performed in accordance with the Manual of Specifications and Standard Details, latest version, for the City of Covington, Work Area Protection Manual, latest revision, applicable sections of the VDOT Road and Bridge specifications, latest version, the Project Manual, and any Addendum. Bid Documents may also be viewed and printed directly from the City's website:

A mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held at 10:00 AM, March 28, 2024.

All requests for clarification of or questions regarding this Advertisement for Bids or for additional information must be made in writing to Anthony Lowry at and received by 2:00 PM, March 28, 2024. All addenda should be signed and accompany any bid submitted.

S. Lexington Sewer Extension Project

Sealed bids will be received by the City of Covington at 333 West Locust Street, Covington, VA 24426 until 10:00 a.m. on April 9, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened and read for the S. Lexington Sewer Extension Project.  A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at City Hall on March 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The work will include the construction of approximately 600 LF of 8-inch sewer main.  The work includes providing all labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment, and other means of construction necessary and incidental to the completion the work as outlined in the project documents.  Project documents may be examined at the office of the City of Covington, 333 West Locust Street, Covington, VA 24426.  Complete sets of the project documents may be obtained by contacting Stevie Steele at (540) 552-5548 or  Project documents will be provided electronically in PDF format and may be obtained at no cost.  Contractors that obtain Contract Documents from a source other than the Issuing Office must notify the Issuing Office in order to be placed on the official Plan Holders List to receive Addenda and other Bid correspondence.  Bids received from Contractors other than those on the official Plan Holders list will not be accepted.  All bids must be made on the official Bid Form or an exact copy by reproduction thereof and enclosed in a sealed envelope.  This is a unit price bid as described in the project documents.  No Bidder may withdraw his bid within forty-five calendar days after the actual date of the opening thereof.  The successful Bidder will be required to furnish construction performance and payment bonds in the full amount of the contract price. The successful bidder will be required to comply with all provisions of the Federal Government Equal Employment Opportunity clauses issued by the Secretary of Labor on May 21, 1968 and published in the Federal Register (41CFR Part 60-1, 33 F.2 7804).  Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities and the right to disregard all nonconforming, non-responsive or Conditional Bids.

Mowing and Maintenance of Unkept Properties

The City of Covington Development Services Department is requesting a proposal (RFP) for a cost for nuisance grass mowing services, rubbish removal, and property clean-ups at various locations throughout the city.

Proposal documents are available by contacting The City of Covington Development Services at 540-965-6356 or visiting the Buildings & Grounds Office located at 340 East Walnut Street, Covington, VA 24426.

There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting held on Friday, February 16, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall located at 333 West Locust St, Covington, VA 24426.
The deadline for submission of questions will be February 23, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
Deadline for RFP will be Friday, March 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.

The City of Covington reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

Request for Proposal: 18 hole Outdoor Portable Mini Putt Putt Golf Course

The City of Covington is requesting for proposal (RFP) a cost for the potential purchase of an 18-hole outdoor portable mini putt putt golf course.
Proposal documents are available by contacting The City of Covington at 540-965-6360 or visiting City Hall at 333 West Locust Street, Covington, VA 24426.

The deadline for the RFP will be Monday, February 19, 2024, at 2:00 pm.
The City of Covington reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

Mowing of City Properties for Parks & Recreation

The City of Covington, Virginia, is requesting sealed bids from qualified Offerors for city-wide mowing services, which includes, but not limited to, mowing of all grass, including banks, trimming, and clearing of all sidewalks, parking lots, and road ways.

Turf Maintenance of Parks & Recreation Properties

The City of Covington, Virginia, is requesting sealed proposals from qualified Offerors for city-wide sports and non-sports turf maintenance services, which includes, but not limited to, the application of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

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