Columbia Gas W. Edgemont Road Work

Columbia Gas W. Edgemont Road Work


Electoral Board Meeting

The Covington Electoral Board will meet at the Clerk of Courts office Wednesday, November 20, 2024 @10:00 am ...

Emergency Procurement Determination

Location: City of Covington, Jeter-Watson Center-515 E. Pine St. The City of Covington deems that it is necessary ...


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The City of Covington would like to make citizens and businesses aware that the paint marks and flagging that you have noticed throughout the city are in relation to Columbia Gas upgrades. Over the next two to three months Columbia Gas and Miller Pipeline will be working to disconnect and install new service lines. The service upgrades will occur in different areas of the City and the next phase of work will begin on W. Edgemont Drive from S. Carpenter to S. Rayon Drive beginning on November 14th and run through the 17th of December. The construction will take place Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. During those work hours, W. Edgemont Drive will become one lane with flagging in place to help direct traffic. During this period please remember to allow for time and make adjustments to your regular commute schedule.

If you would like any more information or have questions, please contact the Public Works Office at (540) 965-6321 or (540) 965-6322.

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