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In the spring of 2018, Covington City Council chose to create a career EMS Department within City Government that would decrease response times to medical emergencies. With trained providers in the station ready to respond, response times could be cut drastically, which in turn results in quicker delivery of services. The following six months consisted of creating job descriptions, SOPs, policies, and standards, and obtaining state-required licensing. After a hiring process of written and practical testing, Covington EMS began operation in October 2018.
CEMS was tasked with staffing the first ambulance out to all calls in the existing Covington Rescue Squad service area. The city chose to use part-time employees under the direction of the Director of Public Safety and an EMS Chief. This was accomplished with 2 providers working 12-hour shifts 24 hours a day every day. All providers hold current certifications ranging from EMT to Paramedic.
Since the initial start-up of CEMS, several challenges have been faced. The largest was creating a smooth working relationship with volunteers who had been providing the same service for over 80 years. This was a huge priority. Today, CEMS works hand in hand with Covington Volunteer Rescue Squad and Covington Volunteer Fire Department, as well as surrounding agencies. In the middle of that, COVID appeared, and our world changed. Throughout the pandemic, CEMS remained at full staff providing service to citizens.
Today The City of Covington employs 28 EMS providers. Most have prior EMS experience as volunteers or career providers, and all have a passion for prehospital emergency care. Today’s standards of care have changed drastically from years past. We no longer “scoop and run.” Instead, we are governed by local and state protocols that stress delivering immediate assessments and treatments before or during transport. EMS providers deliver the same interventions as you would receive in an Emergency Room much sooner, which enhances the chances of a good outcome.
CEMS providers are responsible for daily training, truck and equipment checks, and assisting with other daily jobs around the station. Our primary responsibility is providing 911 EMS service. We also assist with support operations at fires as well as stand-by services for events when available. Covington’s call volume has increased from 1400 calls per year in 2018 to 1900 plus in 2022. Although we are city employees, we could not provide the overall service necessary without the teamwork of other agencies that we continually strive to build and maintain.
Covington EMS thanks the City of Covington, all agencies involved in Emergency Services, and the citizens for your support and words of encouragement not only during EMS WEEK but every day.
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