Dry Run Stream Bank Stabilization Project
Dry Run Stream Bank Stabilization Project
Electoral Board Meeting
The Covington Electoral Board will meet at the Clerk of Courts office Wednesday, November 20, 2024 @10:00 am ...
Emergency Procurement Determination
Location: City of Covington, Jeter-Watson Center-515 E. Pine St. The City of Covington deems that it is necessary ...
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The City will be conducting construction activities in the Dry Run stream along Hillcrest Street
and Dry Run Road as part of a stream bank stabilization project, beginning July 8th, 2021. This
project will aid in the protection and restoration of the Dry Run stream from storm water erosion
and flood damage. The project duration is anticipated to be active for a maximum of 75 days.
Minor construction traffic onto adjacent properties to gain access to the stream is possible but is
expected to be minimal. If you would like any more information or have questions, please
contact the Public Works Office at (540) 965-6321 or (540) 965-6322.
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