Electoral Board Meeting

The Covington Electoral Board will meet at the Clerk of Courts office Wednesday, November 20, 2024 @10:00 am ...

Emergency Procurement Determination

Location: City of Covington, Jeter-Watson Center-515 E. Pine St. The City of Covington deems that it is necessary ...


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June 28, 2021

At approximately 10 am on Monday, June 28, 2021, the Covington Fire Department and Columbia Gas Company responded to the 2300 Blk. of S. Church Ave. for a complaint of the odor of natural gas in the area. Columbia Gas has identified that there is a natural gas leak from an unknown source and directed the Covington Fire Department to evacuate the residences on S. Church Ave. for precautionary measures. The residents of S. Grass Ave. and S. Lewis Ave. were also notified of the situation and advised to be prepared to leave if necessary. The City of Covington Emergency Services and Public Works will be assisting Columbia gas during their search for the gas leak. S. Church Ave. has been closed off to the public. Further information will be provided as the situation develops. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact the Covington Emergency Communications Center at (540) 965-6333.

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