City Council work session Cancelled

The Covington City Council, work session, will be cancelled for Tuesday, January 7, 2025. This will allow newly ...


All offices will close at noon on Friday, December 20, 2024, and will reopen on Monday, December 23, ...


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The City of Covington would like to update our citizens on how the program is going so far. We are
continuing to see an abundant use of the two recycling drop-off locations, and we thank our residents for
recycling. We are now opening a single recycling location with a new recycling compactor. The
Edgemont Building & Casey Field Recycling Locations will no longer be accepting recycling. The new
Recycling Location will be at 605 S. Lexington Avenue (the Former True Value Building (across from
Covington High School)). We appreciate your patience as we move locations to better the program for
our City Wide Recycling Program. The Recycling Location will begin taking recyclables beginning July
1, 2021. To use the new location you will pull up to the new compactor, get out of your vehicle and place
the recyclables into the appropriate opening, and then leave the facility. Our City Public Works Staff will
come several times throughout the day to compact the recycling. With the amount of usage, we have had
a few requests to help better the program; we ask that all City of Covington Residents and Business
Owners to not place their items on the ground around the recycling compactor. We have cameras located
at the new recycling center, to ensure that proper disposing and cleanliness of the recycling site occurs.
As a reminder, the bins are for Covington businesses and citizen’s use only, and placing items
outside the bins or when bins are full constitutes illegal dumping. Together we will be Keeping
Covington Beautiful and a greener place to live.

#CovRecycles #KeepCovingtonBeautiful

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